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Engaging in the arts while conducting meaningful dialogue is a supportive way to shift perspectives from judgemental to explorative. It allows us to explore new approaches to this emergency in a way that feels invitational rather than confrontational.

International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), August 31, is a time to remember lives lost to the drug poisoning health emergency. It is also a time to work together for change. MOCAT is dedicated to advocating for change while creating meaningful arts-based dialogues in the community. Our aim is to bring awareness to the ongoing crisis as well as empower people to bring compassion into their understanding of this complicated issue.

Talk about it - Save a life.

Knocking down the walls of silence that keep people from talking about substance use is an important step towards addressing the overdose crisis in British Columbia. Recognizing that people who use drugs are real people helps to put a human face behind the numbers of so many preventable tragedies.


This movement, started by Moms Stop the Harm asks folks affected by the opioid crisis to share photos featuring a chair with a picture of a lost loved one. They encourage people to add a sign with one of these statements: "incarceration, accidental overdose, drug war violence, or stigma."


Working in partnership with In-Phase
Clinic, peers were invited to
participate in a community garden,
sharing in planting, weeding,
watering and general maintenance.
Peers received honoraria for their
work, as well as a share in the


MOCAT recognizes that peers are a critical conduit to services for individuals who are directly affected the current drug poisoning crisis. 

These essential frontline workers can increase the capacity and understanding of the treatment system and MOCAT prioritizes that they are recognized and compensated appropriately.


Let's Connect!

Coordinator | Kat Wahamaa


We invite you to stay in touch and see our latest projects.

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How you can Help


The illicit drug-poisoning crisis is a complicated yet urgent situation with no easy solution. The stigmas attached to substance use perpatuate shame and this leads to people feeling unconnected and using in private which can be fatal. 


Contact local officials to advocate for policies, strategies, and services, which aim to assist people who use legal and illegal drugs to live safer and healthier lives. Host dialogues and help us educate others while supporting us in providing low-barrier resources to those who need them. Create calls to action for safe supply and other

life-saving approaches. 


It takes many hands and hearts to carry out this work. Contact local harm reduction organizations and communities to see how you can support

their efforts. Take the online Naloxone training with one of our peers, and keep a kit with you.


Use social media and email to stay in touch with us and the work we are doing. Be sure to follow us at the links below and share, share share! We appreciate you introducing others to our efforts and the work of everyone in harm reduction.

  • Facebook
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Artwork by Marin LeSurf, winner of the MOCAT/Mission Record Connect Colouring Contest for International Overdose Awareness Day 2022

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